Friday, December 28, 2018


The guava is a delicious, sweet fruit cultivated in tropical climates. It also happens to be one of the least chemically treated and sprayed fruits because they are not required to extend the shelf life of the fruit.Not only does the guava fruit have a unique flavor and fragrance, but it recently has been hailed as a super fruit due to its many essential nutrients and numerous health benefits.The guava is a powerhouse of nutrients, providing fiber, energy, and vitamins, like vitamin A, C and numerous members of the B-complex group. You will also find healthy doses of the essential minerals calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, and potassium.In the tropical areas of the world where the fruit is cultivated, people highly value the guava because of the health benefits they experience.

The Surprise Benefits of Guava

1. Supports Weight Loss:

You can make juice from the leaves of a guava that helps prevent complex sugars from being converted into fat within your body. Guava is high in fiber, has no cholesterol, and a low number of digestible carbohydrates, making it an ideal dieting snack.You can lose weight without compromising your protein intake, and it has far less sugar than apples, oranges, grapes, and many other fruits.

2. Helpful for Diabetics:

Tea made with guava leaves is effective for lowering blood glucose levels in diabetics. The guava leaves reduce the alpha-glucosidease enzyme activity and prevent the absorption of sucrose and maltose, both mechanisms reducing blood sugar levels.  Diabetics who drink guava leaf tea for 12 weeks found lower blood sugar levels without an increase in insulin production.

3. Lowers Risk of Cancer:

Compounds within guava, like lycopene, vitamin C, quercetin, and polyphenols, act as anti-cancer and anti-tumor agents. They work to neutralize free radicals, which can cause cancer throughout your body.

 4. Boosts Immune System:

The high vitamin C content in guava helps it play an essential role in improving your overall immune system. Guava also possesses anti-inflammatory properties that help to inhibit any inflammatory molecules, such as prostaglandins, helping prevent disease.  Regular guava consumption can help to reduce the risk of prostate, breast, mouth, skin, lung, stomach, and colon cancers. The oil from a guava leaf acts as an antiproliferative, which has been shown to have some effect in reducing cancer cell growth.

5. Improves Digestion:

Guava leaf tea helps digestive processes by stimulating digestive enzyme production. The super fruit also contains compounds that act as strong antibacterial agents.  Guava leaves are also beneficial for treating cases of food poisoning, nausea, and vomiting.  When you experience an upset stomach, simply boil eight pieces of guava leaves and drink the tea three times a day.

 6. Promotes Healthy Skin:

Guava contains strong antioxidant powers, especially red guava. These compounds help to neutralize free radicals, which can cause damage to skin cells and premature aging.Guava tea every day will reduce your chances of wrinkles, saggy or dry skin, and leave you with a healthy complexion and glow. The vitamin C in guava leaves, found in oranges and other foods as well, also helps to stimulate the production of collagen, which keeps your skin firm and elastic.  Unripe guava and the leaves also act as a powerful astringent to protect your skin from damaging UV rays and to prevent skin breakouts.

7. Improves Eyesight:

Guava has a high vitamin A content, which is known to be a booster for vision health. This vitamin helps to slow the appearance of cataracts, macular degeneration, and can improve the overall health of your eyes.
8. Provides Dental Care:

The leaves of the guava can make a beneficial juice known to soothe toothaches, oral ulcers and swollen gums. The juice speeds up the healing process of any oral wounds when applied topically and also reduces the risks of bacterial infections within the mouth.

9. Lowers Cholesterol and Blood Pressure:

Studies have shown that drinking guava leaf tea causes a reduction in LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglyceride levels. At the same time there are no adverse effects on HDL (good) cholesterol levels.

Thursday, December 20, 2018


Pineapple is more than just a delicious tropical fruit. It has significant health benefits. Here are 8 great reasons to eat Hawaii’s native fruit… The power of pineapple lies in its vitamins and digestibility, its natural sweetness and, of course, its affordability.
Here are some healthful, tasty reasons to stock up on fresh or canned pineapple the next time you’re at the supermarket.

1. Pineapple is Rich in Vitamin C:  

One cup of pineapple chunks contains more than the minimum daily requirement for vitamin C – 75 mg daily for women and 90 mg for men, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). And vitamin C helps protect against viral infection and inflammation.So switch up your breakfast routine: Instead of orange juice or grapefruit juice, enjoy the flavor of fresh or canned pineapple to get your daily dose of vitamin C.

 2. It’s a Weight-Loss Enhancer:

Because it’s inexpensive, easy to prepare and low in calories, pineapple makes a good snack if you want to lose weight. You won’t miss all those high-sugar snacks you used to crave, so you’ll save calories but still feel satisfied for longer. That won’t happen with candy and chips.Good pairings include pineapple chunks with walnuts, low-fat whipped cream or a rice dish. The fruit helps manage food cravings by delivering sweetness while keeping blood sugar levels even because of its high fiber content.High-fiber foods help you eat less because they keep you feeling fuller longer. They also improve blood glucose control, according to the Joslin Diabetes Center at Harvard Medical School.Pineapple is 94% carbohydrate, so keep that in mind if you’re on a low-carb diet.

 3. Pineapple Helps Digestion and Reduces Inflammation:

Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that studies show can reduce the inflammation and swelling that occurs in conditions, such as sinusitis, sore throat and arthritis flare-ups, according to the NIH.Pineapple also is recommended for indigestion. Bromelain “may help relieve the inflammation associated with ulcerative colitis,” according to a 2012 Chinese study published in the Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology.If you’re dealing with an infection or injury, bromelain can help reduce swelling, bruising, healing time and pain after injuries and surgery.

4. It Boosts Eyesight:

 Carrots do help keep your eyes bright and healthy, but new research suggests that fruit is even more important for eye health. (Here is a list of foods that help maintain eyesight.)Eating three or more servings of fruit a day may lower the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) by as much as 36%, according to a study in Archives of Ophthalmology.AMD is the leading cause of vision loss in older adults, afflicting more than 1.8 million Americans over 40, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports.Adding more pineapple to your diet will give you more of the antioxidants you need to slow the development of this sight-robbing condition.

5. It Helps Keep Your Bones Healthy:

Along with calcium, the trace mineral manganese is essential for maintaining strong bones and healthy connective tissues, the NIH advises. A single cup of pineapple contains about 76% of the recommended daily value of manganese.Manganese helps stave off osteoporosis and ease symptoms of the bone disease by helping to improve overall bone and mineral density, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.Plenty of other tropical fruits are also high in manganese – including raspberries, blackberries, strawberries and bananas. So pair pineapple with any or all of these fruits for a delicious salad packed with manganese and other essential vitamins and minerals that will benefit your bones.

6. Pineapple is Affordable, Convenient and Easy-to-Serve:

Unlike expensive imports or seasonal fruits, fresh, frozen and canned pineapple is available year-round in most American markets.Besides fresh and frozen varieties, canned pineapple comes in small- and medium-size cans or jars that are just right for snacking – or adding to a fruit salad.The crushed variety comes ready to pour over your favorite salad or on low-fat cottage cheese.Pineapple is available in light or heavy syrup; choose the fruit packed in its own juice for a healthier alternative.

Summary :

Pineapple is one firut that is delicious, sweet and good for both children and adults.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Benefits of unripe plantain

These are 10 health benefits you’ll be getting from eating unripe plantain.

1. It enriches the heart.

 Unripe plantain contains some amount of serotonin which dilates the arteries, improves blood flow and reduces homocystine (a condition that causes coronary artery disease and stroke). It richness in potassium makes it heart friendly by preventing heart attack and hypertension through controlling heart rate and blood pressure in our body and cell. Also, it fibre content is great for reducing cholesterols level which reduce the risk of developing any heart diseases.

 2. Eating unripe plantain helps with circulatory and digestive system.

3. It source of vitamin A, B6 and C helps with better vision, better skin complexion, builds immunity against diseases and free radicals.

 4. It can treat anemia and neuritis:

It presence of vitamin B6 can help in curing neuritis (inflammation of the nerve), and anemia: a medical condition where someone is having low red blood cells in the blood, which causes weakness. With inclusive into meal plan and consumption, it can cure anemia and neuritis and serves as preventive measure.

5. It’s a great meal for weight loss and healthy eating:

It’s relatively low in carbohydrates, with high fibre content, essential vitamins and minerals. When consume with lots of vegetable soup and chicken, it makes a great weight loss and healthy meal.

 6.It helps with bowel movement:  Its richness in fibre makes bowel movement easier which also reduce constipation.

7. It makes a great meal for diabetics:

Unripe plantain is very low in sugar compared to ripe or over ripe plantain and this makes it a good choice for diabetes especially when added with other fibre and protein rich food such as green vegetables. Thus, it makes a great choice for preventing diabetes.

8. It helps builds and strengthens stronger bones:

Unripe Plantain is rich in calcium which is the essential mineral needed for stronger bones, muscles, nails and teeth. A healthy meal with unripe plantain inclusive will prevents diseases such as osteoporosis which involves the weakening of the bones and causes fractures.

9. It can prevent ulcer:

Various studies conducted have shown that unripe plantain contains phytochemical properties such as leucocyanidin which can prevents ulcer.

10. It boosts sexual performance:

Making unripe plantain part of your healthy meal plan will help you in improving sexual performance through increase libido, improve male fertility, thicker sperm and volume.Food recipes such as unripe plantain with ginger and garlic, roasted or parboil can work wonders.In conclusion, you can imagine all the health benefits eating unripe plantain does in our body system, can do, all the prevention and diseases it will be curing.Include unripe plantain into your meal plan today and start having the many medicinal and therapeutic properties it possess.You can enjoy it cook which is my favorite by parboiling it in other not to relatively kill its nutrients, fry and make into flour for pudding food.


Unripe plantain is very essential both for old and young people, no one is an exception.

Saturday, December 8, 2018



People around the whole world are ignorant of the bad effect marijuana could cause to your health. Did you know that Marijuana use could trigger infertility? Yeah, that seemingly innocuous joint isn’t so innocent after all, or is it? Well, hold on to that question, because that’s what we will answer here. Scroll down and find out how does marijuana affect fertility, the reproductive organs and trigger sterility.

What Is Marijuana? 

Marijuana is a herb that is derived from the dried leaves of the Hemp plant, medically known as Cannabis sativa. Pop culture references have given rise to a number of names of Marijuana, which include:

1. Mary Jane
2. Chronic
3. Weed

Possible Side Effects Of Taking Marijuana:

Marijuana can lead to many negative effects for the body and the mind. The symptoms typically differ from person to person, but some general symptoms include:

1. Depression:

 Women who smoke or consume it regularly are at a higher risk of developing depression. Such ladies become prone to anxiety and the feeling of hopelessness. In extreme cases, a milder form of depression can escalate to a manic or acute form. Depression and anxiety can kill libido, and disrupt the menstrual cycle. In some cases, it can lead to delayed or no ovulation. Thus, it becomes difficult for the female to get pregnant. So, if you are planning to conceive, then you need to kick that habit, for now at least.

2. Possible Drop In I.Q.:

Having a sharp and positive I.Q is power. So, Some medical experts believe that marijuana addicts have lower or declined I.Q. levels than healthy counterparts. According to these medical experts, a regular intake of marijuana can affect your I.Q. negatively, and the decline continues even if you stop taking marijuana. Of course, all these studies are quite inconclusive, and science does not back these claims!

 3. Psychotic Symptoms:
 Marijuana is a hallucinogen, and it can trigger Neuro-psychotic symptoms viz. Maniac-depression, hallucinations, etc.

Does Marijuana Affect Fertility?

Now that we know that marijuana has many possible side effects, and it can also increase the risk of sterility. The effects of Marijuana on fertility both in females as well as males. 

1. In females, it hinders the menstrual cycle.

2. In males, it causes severe sperm abnormalities. Also, it reduces the sperm count as well as sperm mobility thereby decreasing the chances of pregnancy. It also decreases the Testosterone hormone levels in the male body.

Dropcoming A Marijuana Addiction:

If you are planning to get pregnant, then it is high time you give up smoking marijuana. You can take help from your doctor, or enlist with support groups. Here are some ways to recover from Marijuana addiction.

1. Psychotherapy:

The treatment involves techniques to exercise self-control and restraint from taking marijuana.

2. Reward Technique:

In this technique, the patient should be given the reward for not succumbing to his desires.

3. Motivational Therapy:

Motivational therapy is less of a treatment and more counseling sessions to help the addict recover.

4. Lifestyle changes:

When you will first visit your doctor, he will ask you about your lifestyle, and if you live on drugs then he will ask you to make serious changes in your lifestyle.Women who stop any substance abuse viz. Drug abuse, alcoholism, smoking cigarettes, etc

Withdrawal Symptoms Of Marijuana:

Marijuana does not lead to any physical withdrawal symptoms. However, some medical experts conclude that it induces withdrawal symptoms like:

1. Sleeplessness
2. Anxiety
3. Loss of Appetite
4. Irritability
5. Marijuana cravings


Marijuana is not good for both males and females and more especially, pregnant women.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018



Our earth is the only planet so far known to inhibit living organisms. Life is possible on earth because it has the vital element ‘water’ which is essential for all known forms of life. Though water provides no nutrients or calories, there is no survival without drinking water. With huge promotions of the benefits of drinking water, there is nothing you don’t know about it anymore.
But, have you ever considered that drinking water can have negative effects on your body? Unfortunately for the contestants, the organizers of the contest “Hold Your Wee for a Wii”, held on Californian radio station did not know about this.
The water drinking contest claimed a life of 28 year old woman, even as other contestants suffered from physical discomfort after consuming large quantities of water for the event. There is no doubt that drinking water is good for you, but pause a moment and have a look at the list of list of ten things you may not know about drinking water.


1. Hyponatremia:

Hyponatremia is a condition often caused by over hydration of the body from drinking surplus amount of water. The condition can lead to serious illnesses like congestive heart failure, liver failure, kidney failure and pneumonia. Many endurance athletes and marathon runners are known to develop some degree of hyponatremia as they try to rehydrate themselves.

2. Psychogenic polydipsia: 

people suffering from mental illness such as schizophrenia or having developmental disabilities, exhibit the condition recognized as psychogenic polydipsia.People with psychogenic polydipsia drink excessive amount of water, so much that the kidney fails to excrete it successfully. Occasionally, the condition can be fatal as the serum sodium level falls down to critical levels, leading to cardiac arrest or seizures.

3. Vested interests of bottled water companies:

Have you noticed the increase in the campaigns of health benefits of drinking water after the advent of bottled water companies? The sales of bottled water have gone up dramatically in the last few decades, reaching 200 billion bottles globally at present. Most of the benefits of drinking water campaigns are carried out by the profit making companies, who are having a major chunk of the benefits. The fastest growing beverage company is $10 billion industry today.

4.  Drink 8 ounces of water per day:

Drinking 8 ounces of water per day for good health has become a gospel for health freaks. Honestly, there is no scientific evidence to support the actual amount of drinking water required for healthy living. The body can derive its fluid intake from fruits, vegetables, tea, milk, chocolate drinks or fresh juices apart from water.

5. Drinking bottled water after heavy workout can be unhealthy:

Bottled water is the not good after a heavy workout or during excruciating outdoor activities. People, who have been through strenuous physical activity for more than one hour, need replacement of electrolytes like potassium and sodium besides water, which cannot be replenished by bottled water alone.

6. Cosmetic purpose of water is negligible:

You often are bombarded with the benefits of water for improving skin tone, making you look fit and many more. The fact is that these benefits are not based on scientific research and are negligible. On average a person weighing 70 kg will already have 42 liters of water in the body, since our body is made of 60% water. How much cosmetic difference could an additional 2 liters of water make is something to ponder upon

7. Water in food is no different:

The water we consume from food is as good as bottled or tap water. Besides replenishing the body with required fluid, they provide essential minerals and nutrients to the body. Some of the foods like Lettuce, cucumber, watermelon, broccoli, grapefruit, carrot and apple contain more than 90% of water. Even a baked potato is 70% water.

8. Brain swelling or brain edema:

Consuming too much of water may cause a swelling in the brain, also known as brain edema. Kidneys fail to remove excessive amounts of water from the body, thinning the blood and reducing the salt concentrations, reaching the brain cells and causing them to swell. The swollen brain is pressurized in the skull which stops vital body functions like breathing leading to death.

9.  Water Intoxication:

Water intoxication or water poisoning is a dreadful condition caused by plain water which is consumed excessively. The symptoms of water intoxication are headaches, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, confusion, mental disorientation and frequent trips to toilet. If not given immediate help, water intoxication can lead to death.

10. Difficult diagnosis:

When the symptoms of excessive drinking of water shows up as confusions, no one is going to think that the culprit is water. It is often mistaken for effects of drugs or some other malady. If diagnosed rightly, diuretics can decrease the water load immediately.

Summary :

Drinking water is the most essential way to keep the body healthy but we should always moderate the way we drink water both at night, in the morning or afternoon because anything which has so many advantage must surely have disadvantage too.