Wednesday, November 28, 2018




Nowadays, even the young people are also suffering from knee pain. But this knee pain is not a normal pain, but there are many serious reasons for it.There was a time when the pain in the knees was considered to be an indicator of growing age. But nowadays, this problem is also being seen at a young age. But this knee pain is not a normal pain, but there are many serious reasons for it. See five reasons why the knees are getting damaged before ageing.

Five reasons for kneel pain before ageing: 

1. Obesity:

Obesity is also a cause of pain in the knee prematurely. The effect of growing body weight is only on the knees. Joints become painful when the weight starts falling on the knees. To get rid of this pain, it is important to keep your weight in check according to your age.

2. Muscular changes:

Sometimes due to changes in muscles, the problem of pain in the joints can increase even before old age. In between 20 to 60 years of age, the muscles are contracted up to 40 per cent. They start to lose power when we walk or do some physical activities, the muscles of the limbs and legs get weak. Their capacity is reduced and these put more pressure on the legs and our knees begin to feel pain.

3. Osteoporosis:

Nowadays, almost 14 per cent of people aged between 20 to 30 years of age is getting osteoporosis. In this condition, the cartilage that protects the bones of the body is broken. When the elements that strengthen bones are broken, they start to cause pain. 4. Arthritis: 

In ancient times the problem of arthritis was found only in the old people. But nowadays, small children are also victims of this disease. Mostly woman has the risk of developing arthritis. Even when someone suffers from arthritis, the body feels more pain before old age.

5. Bursitis:

Due to the knee injury, running causes swelling around the joints. This problem is common for most players and people who go to the gym. Apart from this, people who are overweight suffer from pain in knees, shoulders, elbows, hip and knees.

6. Tendonitis:

Pain in the front of your knee, which increases during stairs or climbing stairs. People with tendonitis are mostly runners, cyclists, etc.


Always keep your body healthy by exercising every  morning to avoid knee pain at a young age.

Sunday, November 25, 2018



This delicious fruit has about 92 percentage water and belongs to the cucurbitaceous family, which has other members like pumpkin, squash and cucumber among others. Watermelon is unique as it is considered both a fruit and a vegetable. It not just tastes wonderful, but also has numerous health and beauty benefits to offer.
It is fat free and is an excellent source of vitamins A, B6 and C, contains potassium and beneficial plant chemicals like lycopene and citrulline. Fineness lovers, are you listening? The fibre content in watermelon makes it an amazing fruit for weight loss.
 Despite the popular belief that watermelon is just water and sugar, watermelon is actually a nutrient dense food. It provides high levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and just a small number of calories. Watermelon shave become synonymous with Summer  and picnics, and forgood reason. Their refreshing quality and sweet taste help to combat the heatand provide a guilt- free, low maintenance dessert.

This red fleshed fruit is known for all the good things, but what goes wrong with consuming it in large amounts?

 Consuming too much watermelon is said to have many side-effects. You heard us! Despite its marvellous benefits, eating watermelon in large quantity can actually cause harm to your body.
Here are some side effects of eating watermelon in large quantity.

1. May Cause Diarrhoea And Other Digestive Problems:

Watermelon is an excellent source of water and an equally great source of dietary fibre. However, consuming in large quantity may give rise to digestive problems like diarrhoea, bloating, flatulence, gas, et al.The fruit contains sorbitol that is a sugar compound, which is known to encourage loose stools and gas issues. Another common cause of such issues is the lycopene content, which is a pigmented antioxidant that gives the watermelon its bright colour.

 2. May Cause Cardiovascular Problems:

Watermelon is known to be a great source of potassium that is a vital nutrient playing numerous roles in keeping the body healthy. It helps maintain electrolyte function, keeps our heart healthy and makes our bones and muscles stronger.However, too much of potassium can lead to cardiovascular problems like irregular heartbeat, weak pulse rate, et al.

 3. May Up Glucose Levels:

If you are a diabetic, chances are loading up on, too, much watermelon may increase blood sugar levels. It may be a healthy fruit, but it has high glycaemic index (72). Always ensure consulting a doctor before you consume it on a daily basis.

 4. May Increase The Risk Of Developing Liver Inflammation:

People who drink alcohol regularly should avoid having large quantities of watermelon as the high level of lycopene may react with alcohol, further causing liver inflammation. Excessive oxidative stress on the liver can be harmful.

5. May Cause Over-Hydration Or Water Intoxication:

Water intoxication or over-hydration is a condition when your body has excess of water in it, which leads to loss of sodium content. Consuming large quantity of watermelon may increase the level of water in our body.If the excess water is not excreted, it can lead to an increase in the volume of the blood, further causing swelling in the legs, exhaustion, weak kidneys, et al. It may also lead to loss of sodium levels in the body.

But How Much Watermelon Should You Eat In A This

According to Nutritionist and Physiologist Ritesh Bawri, “100 grams of watermelon has about 30 calories. Given that it is mostly water, it is easy to consume even 500 grams, which means you just ate 150 Calories. Considering it is light on stomach, you may not feel full, which is why you tend to eat more.
Also, it has six grams of sugar per 100 grams, so the same portion of watermelon would end up having 30 grams of sugar. Ideally, most people should eat between 100 to 150 grams of sugar per day from all their food combined. The sugar from watermelon is racking up your count.”Eating watermelon is not bad, but excess of anything can be unhealthy, even it is as healthy a watermelon. Moderate amounts of the fruit will ensure a healthy and hydrated you.

Summary :

Watermelon is good but intake of excess watermelon is really bad. Pls, reduce the excessive intake of watermelon to keep your body healthy at all times.


                     SEE 10 WAYS TO MAKE YOUR SKIN SMOOTH.
10 ways to get smooth skin:

1. Water:

One of the most important things you can do for smooth and glowing skin is drink plenty of water. Your aim should be to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. Water helps the body flush out toxins and waste. However, avoid sugary drinks, alcohol and carbonated drinks. Also try to eat fruits and vegetables that are high in water content. Washing your face at least twice a day with water will also help improve your skin’s health and appearance.

2. Lemon Juice:

Lemon juice can be used to cleanse your skin, lighten spots and scars, as well as soften and smooth it. This citrus-rich fruit contains cleansing enzymes that remove dead skin cells, leaving your skin smoother and fresher. With its excellent astringent properties, lemon is a great natural cleanser for people who have oily skin. To lighten dark spots and acne marks, you can use fresh squeezed lemon juice and apply it to your entire face and neck. Leave it on for 10 minutes and then rinse it off with lwarme warm water. You can do this daily or several times a week.For soft, smooth skin, mix lemon juice from half a lemon and one egg white. Apply it to your face. Leave it on for 10 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Repeat once or twice a week.

3. Honey:

Honey is another natural ingredient that you can use to get smooth skin. Apply raw honey to your face and neck, leave it on for about 10 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water. This simple remedy will make your skin soft and smooth.Another option is to mix an egg white with honey and apply it to your face for 20 minutes. Wash it off with cold water and a delicate soap to remove the smell from the egg white.You can also make a thick paste with three teaspoons of honey and one-half teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Apply it to your face and leave it on overnight. In the morning, wash it off with lukewarm water.

4. Tea Tree Oil:

Tea tree oil has antibacterial properties that help fight acne-causing bacteria. It is also good for reducing scars and blemishes. Some people can be allergic to the oil, so it is highly recommended to try it first on your inner wrist area before applying it to your face. To heal a pimple quickly, use a cotton swab to apply tea tree oil directly on the affected area every few hours. About one hour before going to bed, apply vitamin E oil and leave it on overnight.

5. Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera is another wonderful natural ingredient used in a number beauty recipes to maintain smooth and cle cutar skin. It helps treat acne, fade blemishes and reduce wrinkles and fine lines. Extract the gel from an aloe vera leaf and apply it on your skin a few times a week.Alternatively, combine one tablespoon of aloe vera gel, two teaspoons of lemon juice and one teaspoon of honey. Apply this mixture on your face and neck and rinse it off after 15 to 20 minutes. You can use this face mask a few times a week.

6. Tomatoes:

Fresh tomato is an excellent natural skin toner. It can also help treat pimples and blemishes. To make your skin soft and smooth, puree some fresh tomatoes in a blender or grinder. Apply the tomato paste to your face. Leave it on for 10 minutes and then wash it off with water. Daily use can help shrink enlarged pores and give you smoother, glowing skin.You can also use tomato paste to heal pimples. Apply it to the affected area and leave it on for an hour, then rinse it off.

7. Cucumber:

Cucumber contains great hydrating, nourishing and astringent properties. They have the same pH as skin so they help restore the skin’s natural acid mantle, which protects it from bacteria and other contaminants. Regular use of a cucumber face mask can prevent pimples, blackheads, wrinkles and dry skin. To make the face mask, mix two tablespoons of oatmeal, one-half pureed cucumber and a little milk. Apply the mask to your face and neck area, leave it on for about 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water.You can also use cucumber as a cleanser. Just mix cucumber juice with milk and use it instead of other cleansers.

8. Turmeric:

Turmeric is an herb that can be used to treat a multitude of skin problems. It can be used to lighten blemishes and pigmentation. Mix 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder with enough milk to make a paste. Apply it to your face and neck area daily for beautiful and flawless skin.To rejuvenate dry, parched skin, use a mixture of one teaspoon of turmeric, two teaspoons of sandalwood powder and sufficient water (you can also add rose water) to make a paste. Apply it on your face allow it to dry completely before rinsing it off. Use this face pack once or twice a week.

9. Mint:

Mint can be used in a few different ways to improve your skin tone and reduces blemishes. Plus, it contains menthol that gives it a cooling effect.

 10.  Papaya:

 Papaya contains a natural enzyme known as papain that has antibacterial and healing abilities. The enzyme also aids in removing dead, damaged skin.

Summary :

Always try to keep your skin healthy and smooth.

Saturday, November 24, 2018


                   SYMPTOMS OF KIDNEY DISEASES. 

Kidney disease is a common and harmful disease. Approx 10% of adult, in the world, are suffered from this disease. Some people needing kidney dialysis or transplantation to treat kidneyfailure. While many people cannot afford treatment at all, resulting in millions of people die prematurely of complications related to Chronic Kidney Diseases (CKD).

Sign and symptoms :

1. Fatigue ( being tired all of the time ) :A healthy kidney makes erythropoietin ( EPO ) hormone that helps to make oxygen-carrying red blood cells. When the kidney failed, they make less erythropoietin. So, the fewer red blood cells to carry oxygen. As a result, your muscles and brain tire.

2. Dry and itchy skin :A healthy kidney has many functions in your body, including :Remove wastes and extra fluid from the body.Helps to make red blood cells.Keep your bones strong.Maintain the right amount of minerals in your blood.When your kidneys are no longer able to keep the right balance of minerals and nutrients in your blood, then your skin becomes dry and itchy.

3. Shortness of breath :Being short of breath can affect your kidney by :Extra fluid in your body can build up in your lungs.Anemia can leave your body oxygen-starved and short of breath.

4. Trouble to think ( memory problem ) :When your kidney fails, your brain is not getting enough oxygen. This can lead to memory problems or trouble with concentration.

5. Blood secrets from urine :When a healthy kidney creates urine then it keeps the blood cells in the body and filtering wastes from the blood. But when the kidney damage, then these blood cells can start to “leak” out with Kidney 

6. A Bad Taste In Your Mouth: If your kidneys are not removing toxins, they accumulate in your body (uremia). This can cause a metallic taste in your mouth, and produce bad breath. You might also find that food doesn’t taste the same, particularly meats. (This is interesting to note in light of the research we’re going to look at later, which connects a high-meat diet with kidney stress.) This dulls your appetite, which in turn can cause weight loss.

7. Itchy Rashes: When uric acid and waste products accumulate, the resulting buildup can cause itchy patches on your skin. Rashes are a vague symptom that can be caused by a number of factors; but those that result from kidney malfunction feel “deeper.” Topical treatment doesn’t help very much, because the itch feels like it extends below the skin’s surface. Uric acid-induced rashes can also manifest as little red bumps, not unlike acne.

8. Anemia: As I mentioned earlier, your kidneys produce red blood cell-stimulating EPO. Without enough EPO, you can’t make enough red blood cells, which can result in anemia. Anemia can manifest in a myriad of symptoms, including feeling winded and out of breath, feeling chilly even if your surroundings are warm, and dizziness.
 The reason for all of these symptoms is a systemic lack of oxygen (delivered by red blood cells).It’s always a good idea to heed early warning signs and treat your kidneys to a cleanse before damage occurs, and it’s particularly important to offset the effects of aging on your renal system.


Always take good care of your kidney, it is among the most very important part of the internal body system.



Let’s discover 10 fantastic beauty benefits of turmeric for skin, hair & more in this post!. Turmeric is a golden spice that originates from the East. The turmeric root is dried, cured and powdered to create ground turmeric.Though we only use it for spicing up our curries, it has long been used in the Indian sub continent to beautify skin. Ancient Chinese also valued turmeric for its medicinal properties including antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-aging and blood purifying properties. Bring a sunny glow to your face by using a pinch of turmeric as a face mask ingredient.
Check out these 10 beauty benefits of turmeric for skin, hair and teeth!

 1. Facial Glow: Turmeric contains curcumin, which is a powerful antioxidant that gives turmeric its yellow coloring. It has skin brightening properties that will improve your skin complexion and rejuvenate dull looking skin.

 2. Lightens Skin & Dark Spots: For skin lightening, turmeric is a popular face mask ingredient in the East.Curcumin in turmeric has a skin lightening effect that will lighten your skin tone, remove any dark marks and even out pigmentation and skin discolorations.
Skin Lightening Mask: Make a small paste of a pinch of turmeric, 1/2 raw honey and 1 teaspoon yogurt. Slather this onto your face and rinse off after 10 minutes.

 3. Fights Skin Inflammation: The anti-inflammatory properties ofcurcumin , found in turmeric soothe skin inflammatory conditions, including inflamed acne, rosacea and eczema.
Skin Soother: Make a paste of 1/2 teaspoon turmeric and 1/2 cup thick yogurt and apply it to inflamed skin. Wash off after 15 minutes.

4. Gets Rid of Oily Skin: A turmeric water and lemon juice paste effectively gets rid of excess oils on the surface of the skin. Turmeric also drives out all the excess sebum from deep inside the skin pores. It also helps regulate sebum production and secretion by the skin’s sebaceous glands.

5. Inhibits Facial & Body Hair Growth: Turmeric really works when it comes to reducing facial hair growth. It inhibits facial hair growth, encouraging it to fall off naturally. Women from India use turmeric popularly as a natural ingredient to get rid of hair.Hair Inhibitor: Make a paste of turmeric, milk and gram flour in a ratio of 1:2:3. In the shower, smear a thin coat all over the areas you want to inhibit hair growth like the face, arms and legs. Leave it on until it dries up. Make this a regular part of a beauty routine (after you shave/wax) to inhibit hair growth! Soon you may reach the stage where you won’t have to shave as much because they’ll be little to no hair!

6. Wrinkle Reducer: Turmeric contains anti-aging agents such as curcumin which protect the deeper layers of the skin from premature aging. It prevents oxidative damage to lipids and steers away free radicals from skin cells. Curcumin also guards the skin against age-related pigmentation. Drink a cup of hot/ chilled turmeric milk everyday to get the amazing anti aging skin benefits of turmeric.
Golden Milk: Make golden milk by combining a 1/2 tsp turmeric powder & a pinch of ground black pepper to 1 cup of warm whole milk or coconut milk. Ground black pepper increases the bio availability of turmeric by miles!

7. Acne Treatment: Use turmeric to treat and prevent acne. It’s got antiseptic properties that can work against acne causing germs and bacteria. The powerful anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric heals acne inflammation, thereby making acne appear less visible.Check DIY Turmeric Face Mask Recipes for Acne to help reduce acne and inflammation.

8. Tan Reducer: Reduce the appearance of tans gone wrong with turmeric. It has skin brightening properties that leave you with a beautiful golden color instead! Mix 1 teaspoon of turmeric with 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice and 1/4 cup of cucumber juice. Apply this onto your face tan using a cotton pad. Wait for 15 minutes. When the time is up, rinse off with tepid water. Make a bigger batch for your whole body if the results of the face mask look good enough!

9. Exfoliates Skin: The mild abrasive texture of turmeric powder acts as a great skin exfoliator. Combines with olive oil, you can use turmeric to scrounge off excess dead cells, sebum, grime and dirt from your skin. Mix a pinch of turmeric together with 1 teaspoon olive oil. Use this to scrub your skin before rinsing off with cold water. Pat dry and enjoy your smooth skin!

10. Fades Acne Scars & Blemishes: Curcumin found in turmeric fades blemishes by speeding up the healing process of wounds, including popped pimple wounds and scars. Turmeric is also rich in vitamin C which boosts collagen deposition, encouraging the speed at which scars fade away. The powerful antioxidants in turmeric fasten the healing of wounds and enhance the healing of mild and severe wounds by improving the fibroblast and vascular density in wounds.Dab a little turmeric mixed with rose water onto your blemishes and acne scars using a Q-tip to effectively reduce their appearance.
Summary :

Drinking tumeric in the morning is very important to the body system, it stimulates the body system and prepares the body for other activities of the day.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

The Best 6 Exercises You Need To Get A Chiselled Six-Pack.

   The Best 6 Exercises You Need To Get A Chiselled Six-Pack.

These exercises are reliable. Six-pack abs aren’t all that complicated: Find an abs workout and eat a nutrient-rich diet. The best way to avoid injury, is by building a strong core.
Want to do yoga better? Run faster? Squat heavier? It all begins with your core.
Below are 5 abs exercises, along with a instructions to ensure that you’re executing each one perfectly. Incorporate them into your existing routine or, turn all six into an abs workout circuit. Try two sets of each movement, resting for 30 seconds between each set.

 Hard style plank:

 How to:

1) Lying face down on the ground, prop yourself up into a forearm plank position.

2)Make sure your elbows are aligned underneath your shoulders, and that your hands are balled up in fists.

3)Your forearms should be parallel to one another. Hold for 10 to 20 seconds per set.

 Dead bug:

 How To:

1) Lay face up on the floor with arms straight above your shoulders.

2) To start, bring your knees directly over your hips and bend at the knee so that your calf forms a 90-degree angle with your thigh.

3) Next, simultaneously lower your left arm above your head while straightening your right leg and sending it towards the floor.

4) Pause, return to the starting position, and then repeat on the opposite side.

5) Do 14 alternating reps to complete one set.

Hollow extension-to-cannonball:

How To:

1) Get into a cannonball-type shape on your back, hugging your knees into your chest.

2) Simultaneously extend your legs and arms outwards into a “hollow” position, pressing your lower back to the floor.

3) Hold for five seconds before curling up again, and complete five reps for one set.

 Dumbbell side bend:

 How To:

1) Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold a dumbbell in your right hand, palm facing inwards towards the torso.

2) Keep your back straight, activate your core, and then bend to the side as far as possible—but only at the waist.

3) Hold for one second at the bottom of your range of motion, and return to start for one rep.

4) Do between 12 and 20 reps for one set.

Barbell back squat:

How To:

1) With your feet shoulder-width apart, lift a barbell off the rig, centre it evenly across your shoulders.

2) Send your glutes back like you’re lowering into a chair, bending at the knees as deeply as possible.

3) Press through your heels to return to the starting position for one rep.

4) Do 12 reps for one set.


Abs makes u fit and ready for anything.

Monday, November 19, 2018



Whenyou’re busy working hard and smashing your goals, you need to make sure your mental muscles are flexed and you’re feeling up to the challenge.
If you’re mentally ready for anything, you can deal with stress and will be better prepared for life as you get older. So, are you ready to start working out your brain?
If u are ready, here are some tips that can help u develop your brain.

1. Learn something new every day: Recent studies have shown that learning new things can help improve your memory and mental performance.
It keeps your mind active and stops it from getting lazy.Learning something new is important, you need to keep your brain working and fresh by challenging yourself.

This is the easiest workout you’ll ever do because you only have to sign up to Skillshare and you’re already halfway there.Skillshare has thousands of classes you can learn, you could even challenge yourself to try something new every single day.

2. Don’t get comfortable: Taking the same route every day or always choosing the same things makes your mind lazier. Do you ever find yourself turning autopilot on e to work or walking home?
Keep your mind energized and active by stepping out of your comfort zone.Experience new things, take a different route home and keep surprising yourself.

3. Meditate more: Meditation actually works at helping your mind focus. If you’re distracted way too easily, clear your mind at least once a week and you’ll find that you’re more likely to focus on the things that are comfortablDonot only that, you’ll be less distracted in your day to day and find it easier to get things done.
This is because you’re giving your brain some breathing room, letting it have time to cool down and trying not to think about everything at once. Mindfulness and meditation will help you process your day better, and keep your brain firing at its best.

4. Exercise both sides of your brain: The right side of your brain remembers the bigger picture of an event, while the left side goes into the details. If they work together in perfect harmony, you’ll be better at strategizing and recalling events.
To work it out you’ll need to challenge yourself to try something you aren’t comfortable with. If you consider yourself more of an analytical thinker, learn something creative. Vice versa. Keep your mind working by challenging yourself to remember not only the bigger picture but also some small details.When you go for lunch, ask yourself where you went but also try to picture one small thing like the badge another customer was wearing. The more vividly you can recall things, the better your brain is working.

5. Improve your lifestyle: There’s plenty of research that shows that your lifestyle impacts your brain. Your diet should include plenty of B vitamins and Omega oils for maximum brain power.

Some Foods we should try to avoid in the morning

         Some Foods we should try to avoid in the morning

When you eat the right foods first thing in the morning, it puts you on the right path to make healthier choices during the day. You must avoid eating the wrong things for breakfast.There are certain foods not to eat on an empty stomach. If you’re being conscious of what to put in your body and want to make healthier choices, try to avoid these foods in the mornings.

1. Sweets: Boosts your insulin levels and gets your pancreas working too hard too early which can increase your chances of diabetes

2. Pear: It contains fiber that can injure the delicate mucous membranes of an empty stomach.

3. Raw vegetables: They can cause flatulence and heartburn if eaten first thing in the morning.

4. Bananas: This is also one of the foods not to eat on an empty stomach. It sharply increases the level of magnesium in the blood which is not good for your heart.

5. Carbonated drinks (soda) : They reduce the blood supply in the stomach and causes your food to digest slowly.

Now that you know the foods not to eat on an empty stomach, here is a list of great breakfast options;

whole-grain bread;
Lots of water in the morning is also essential

Sunday, November 18, 2018



TigernutTigernut is one of the earliest recorded plants cultivated in ancient Egypt, and Latin America. The Latin name for the plant is cyperus esculentus.It is a crop found in wet soil used to plant rice and peanuts and some other crops too. it is has been used for centuries in most part of Africa.The traditional way of preserving Tigernut has always been through milk and sometimes as dried fruit. It has a special and unique sweet taste which is ideal for different purposes.

See Some benefits of Tigernut :

It is rich in fiber: It has high fiber content which is more than other popular fiber sources such as rice, oats, apple, cabbage, carrots etc.

It is rich in vitamin C and E: Tigernut is loaded with vitamins and minerals especially vitamin C and E, potassium and phosphorus. Tigernut is mixed with youghurt such that it becomes exceptionally high in vitamins.

It protects against cardiovascular disease: Tigernut helps in antioxidant qualities, which entails prevention of harmful chemical reaction that inhibits oxidation to the body.

Summary :

Tigernuts are very healthy, they help to prevent hearth attacks, thrombosis and activate blood circulation. Due to the high contents of soluble glucose they prevent cancer and lately some investigators discovered that they reduce the risk of suffering colon cancer. The very high fibre content combined with a delicious taste, make them ideal for healthy eating.

Friday, November 16, 2018


                                              BENEFITS OF GARLIC TO OUR HEALTH:

There is something irresistible about the aroma of roasted garlic. It is so captivating with its powerful notes, that it has long been used as a flavour booster in curries, stir-fries, pizza toppings, pastas, meat preparations, dips - you name it! It has the power to instantly liven up any dish and treat some of the most common ailments.  While garlic is a common ingredient in every kitchen, in the ancient times, it was highly valued for its numerous health benefiting properties, which are still followed in many cultures today. Our ancestors have used it as a bug-repellant, Medieval Europe against plague and the Egyptians would even bury it along with their dead! Some benefits of garlic are credited to the presence of the sulphur-containing compound, Allicin, found in fresh, crushed or chewed garlic, due to which it has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Some startling claims mention that it may help prevent some forms of cancer too. The health benefits of garlic are aplenty. Garlic is a part of the onion family and the 'bulb' of this herb typically consists of 10-20 smaller sections called the 'cloves'. Each small clove is a powerhouse of flavour as well as medicinal properties.Every 100 grams of garlic will serve you with close to 150 calories, 33 grams of carbs, 6.36 grams of protein. Garlic is also enriched with Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, folate, Vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, sodium and zinc7Dr. Simran Saini, Delhi-based Nutritionist and weight loss consultant is a fan of the medicinal benefits of garlic. She says, "The high sulphur content in garlic gives it antibiotic properties, helping keep the digestive system clean by flushing out toxins. It also builds the immunity against common cold and prevents heart ailments by clearing up blocked arteries. It is great for rejuvenation and healing of skin scars and gives a glow to the skin as it keeps digestion in top-shape." She advises to consume garlic in a specific manner- place a clove between two teeth, bite a little to release its extracts and then swallow whole with water. She says, "the medicinal value of garlic is best unlocked when it is consumed raw."Here are 7 Benefits of Garlic You May Not Have Known:
1. The Blood PurifierTired of covering up those zits with concealer every morning? It's time to tackle the root cause of acne by purifying your blood from inside to get healthy skin on the outside. Take two cloves of raw garlic with some warm water everyday, early in the morning and consume a lot of water the entire day. If you're looking to shed some pounds, squeeze the juice of half a lemon in a glass of luke warm water and have it with 2 cloves of garlic in the mornings. Garlic will help to cleanse your system and flush out toxins.
 2. Cold and Flu
 Garlic is going to provide you relief from that stubborn cold and flu (yes, they absolutely love you and never want to leave). Taking 2-3 cloves of raw or cooked garlic a day or sipping some garlic tea (with a touch of honey or ginger to lift up the taste) is not only going to relieve a stuffed nose and cure the cold but also build your immunity against these frequent visitors over time. According to Dr. Shikha Sharma, Delhi-based Health and Wellness Expert, and founder of Nutrihealth says," One of the earliest uses of garlic was by meat-eaters because it was believed that meat could cause infection which garlic could fight off from the body. More commonly used by labourers who are exposed to infections and disease-friendly environments till recently, its plethora of health benefits has made white-collar workers also take to it." She added, "Garlic can be added to hot stews, broths and soups to fight sinusitis, cold and flu. And garlic is best had in its raw state."
 3. Prevention of Heart Disease
 Consuming garlic on a daily basis (in food or raw) helps to lower cholesterol levels because of the anti-oxidant properties of Allicin. It is also immensely beneficial to regulate blood pressure and blood sugar levels. It is essential to remember that the sulphur-containing compound Allicin tends to lose its medicinal properties when garlic is cooked whole. It is imperative to consume garlic raw or semi-cooked to derive any of its benefits.
 4. Anti-bacterial and Anti-parasiticGarlic is one of the best kept medicinal treasures of the past era - it has been used as an antibiotic to treat bacterial, fungal and parasitic infections for the last 7,000 years. Studies suggest diluted garlic extract helps children with tapeworm infections. A garlic-based mouthwash may not sound like fresh, minty breath but a very small quantity of its extracts is sufficient to ward off cavity-causing bacteria.
 5. Cancer PreventionSeveral studies have indicated an association between daily consumption of garlic and prevention of stomach and colorectal cancers. It is said to strengthen the immunity of the body against cancer.
6. For Skin and HairThe invigorating properties of garlic protect the skin from the effect of free radicals and slow down the depletion of collagen which leads to loss of elasticity in aging skin. Applied topically, garlic does wonders to skin infected with fungal infections and  provides relief from skin ailments like eczema. It is also an effective remedy for fungal infections like athlete's foot and ringworms. All of us know about the wonders of onion for hair but its brother, garlic is no less of a hero for your thinning mane. Well, its surprise time. Rubbing crushed garlic extract on your scalp or massaging with garlic-infused oil is known to prevent and even reverse hair loss.
 7. SplintersMany of garlic's astounding uses were forgotten in the folds of time but users (and believers) still vouch for the lesser-known benefits. One of them is against stubborn splinters. Place a piece of cut garlic over the splinter cut and cover with a bandage- and voila! Bye-bye splinter.
1. Asthma patients should not consume garlic as it may have side-effects.
2. Garlic should be avoided before surgeries or medical operations.3. Do not consume more than 2-3 garlic cloves in a day without consulting a doctor.


                                                   HEALTH BENEFITS OF CUCUMBER:

Though commonly thought to be a vegetable, cucumber is actuallya fruit.It's high in beneficial nutrients, as well as certain plant compounds and antioxidants that may help treat andeven prevent some conditions.Also, cucumbers are lowin calories and contain a good amountof water and soluble fiber, making themideal for promoting hydration and aidingin weight loss.This article takes a closer look atsome of the top health benefitsof eating cucumber.
 Cucumbers are low in calories but high in manyimportant vitaminsandminerals.One 11-ounce (300-gram) unpeeled, rawcucumber contains the following ( 1 ):Calories: 45Total fat: 0 gramsCarbs: 11 gramsProtein: 2 gramsFiber: 2 gramsVitamin C: 14% of the RDIVitamin K: 62% of the RDIMagnesium: 10% of the RDIPotassium: 13% of the RDIManganese: 12% of the RDIAlthough,the typical serving size is about one-third of a cucumber, so eating a standard portionwould provide about one-third of the nutrientsabove.Additionally,cucumbers have ahigh water content. In fact, cucumbers are made up of about 96% water ( 2 ).Tomaximize their nutrient content,cucumbers should be eaten unpeeled. Peeling them reducesthe amountof fiber, as well as certain vitamins andminerals ( 3 ).SUMMARY:Cucumbers are lowin calories but high in water andseveral important vitaminsand minerals. Eating cucumbers withthe peel provides the maximum amount of nutrients.Antioxidantsare molecules that block oxidation, a chemical reaction that forms highly reactiveatoms with unpaired electrons known as freeradicals.The accumulation of these harmful free radicals can lead toseveral types of chronic illness( 4 ).In fact, oxidative stress causedby free radicals has been associatedwith cancer andheart, lung and autoimmune disease ( 4 ).Fruits and vegetables, including cucumbers, are especiallyrich in beneficial antioxidants that may reduce the risk of these conditions.One study measured the antioxidant powerof cucumber by supplementing 30 older adults with cucumber powder.At the endof the 30-day study, cucumber powder causeda significant increase in severalmarkers of antioxidant activity and improvedantioxidant status ( 5 ).However, it's important to notethat the cucumber powder usedin this study likely contained a greater doseof antioxidants thanyou wouldconsume in a typical servingof cucumber.Another test-tube study investigatedthe antioxidant properties of cucumbers and foundthat they contain flavonoids and tannins, which are two groups of compounds that are especially effective at blocking harmful free radicals ( 6 ).SUMMARY:Cucumbers contain antioxidants, including flavonoids and tannins, which prevent the accumulation of harmful free radicals andmay reduce the risk of chronic disease.Water is crucial to yourbody's function,playing numerous important roles ( 7 ).Itis involved in processes like temperatureregulation and the transportation of waste productsand nutrients ( 7 ).In fact, proper hydration can affect everything from physical performance to metabolism( 8 , 9 ).While you meet the majority of your fluid needs bydrinking water or other liquids, some peoplemay get as much as 40% of their totalwater intakefrom food ( 2 ).Fruits and vegetables, in particular, can be agood source of water in yourdiet.In one study, hydration status wasassessed anddiet records werecollected for 442 children. They foundthat increasedfruit and vegetable intakewasassociated with improvements in hydration status( 10 ).Because cucumbers are composedof about 96% water, they are especially effectiveat promoting hydration andcan help you meetyour daily fluid needs ( 2 ).SUMMARY:Cucumbers are composed of about 96% water, which may increase hydration and help you meet yourdaily fluid needs.Cucumbers couldpotentially help you lose weight in a few differentways.First of all, they are low in calories.Each one-cup (104-gram) servingcontains just 16 calories, while an entire 11- ounce(300-gram) cucumber contains only45 calories ( 1 ).This means that you can eat plenty of cucumbers without packing on the extracalories that lead to weight gain.Cucumbers can addfreshness andflavor to salads, sandwiches and sidedishes andmay also be used as a replacement for highercalorie alternatives.Furthermore, the high water contentof cucumbers could aidin weight lossas well.One analysis looked at 13 studies including 3,628 people andfound that eating foods withhigh water and low calorie contents was associatedwith asignificant decrease in body weight ( 11 ).SUMMARY:Cucumbers are lowin calories, high in water and can be used as a low-calorie topping for many dishes. All of these may aidin weight loss.Severalanimal and test-tube studies have foundthat cucumbers may help reduce blood sugar levels and prevent some complications of diabetes.One animal study examined the effects of various plants on blood sugar. Cucumbers wereshown to effectively reduceand controlblood sugar levels ( 12 ).Another animal study induced diabetes in mice andthen supplementedthem with cucumber peel extract. Cucumberpeel reversed most of the diabetes-associated changes and caused a decrease in blood sugar ( 13 ).In addition, onetest-tube study found that cucumbers may be effective atreducing oxidative stress and preventing diabetes-related complications ( 14 ).However, the current evidence is limited to test- tubeand animalstudies. Further research is needed to determinehow cucumbers may affect blood sugar in humans.SUMMARY:Test-tube andanimal studies show that cucumber may help lower blood sugar and prevent diabetes-related complications, although additional research is needed.Eating cucumbers may help supportregular bowel movements.Dehydrationis a majorrisk factorfor constipation, as it canalter your water balance andmake the passage of stooldifficult( 15 ).Cucumbers are high in water andpromotehydration. Staying hydrated can improve stoolconsistency, prevent constipation and help maintain regularity ( 16 ).Moreover, cucumbers contain fiber ,which helps regulate bowelmovements.In particular, pectin, the type of soluble fiber found in cucumbers, can help increase bowelmovement frequency.One study had 80 participants supplementwith pectin. It foundthat pectin sped up the movement of the intestinal muscles, allwhile feeding the beneficial bacteria in the gut that improvedigestive health ( 17 ).SUMMARY:Cucumbers contain a good amountof fiber and water, bothof which may help prevent constipation and increase regularity.Mild with a distinctlycrisp and refreshing flavor, cucumbers are commonly enjoyedfresh or pickled in everything from salads to sandwiches.Cucumbers are also often eaten rawas alow-calorie snack or can be paired with hummus, olive oil, salt or salad dressing toadd a bit moreflavor.With just a bit of creativity, cucumbers can be enjoyed in manyways.Hereare a few recipesto help incorporatecucumbers into yourdiet:BakedCucumber ChipsQuick Pickled CucumbersThaiCucumber SaladStrawberry, Lime, Cucumber andMint-Infused WaterCucumber andMint SorbetCucumber Goat Cheese GrilledCheeseSUMMARY:Cucumbers can be eaten fresh or pickled. They can be enjoyed as a low- calorie snack or usedto add flavor in avariety of dishes.Cucumbers are a refreshing, nutritious andincredibly versatileaddition to any diet.They are lowin calories but contain manyimportant vitaminsandminerals, as well as a high water content.Eating cucumbers may lead to manypotential health benefits, including weight loss, balancedhydration, digestive regularity andlower blood sugar levels.