Monday, November 19, 2018



Whenyou’re busy working hard and smashing your goals, you need to make sure your mental muscles are flexed and you’re feeling up to the challenge.
If you’re mentally ready for anything, you can deal with stress and will be better prepared for life as you get older. So, are you ready to start working out your brain?
If u are ready, here are some tips that can help u develop your brain.

1. Learn something new every day: Recent studies have shown that learning new things can help improve your memory and mental performance.
It keeps your mind active and stops it from getting lazy.Learning something new is important, you need to keep your brain working and fresh by challenging yourself.

This is the easiest workout you’ll ever do because you only have to sign up to Skillshare and you’re already halfway there.Skillshare has thousands of classes you can learn, you could even challenge yourself to try something new every single day.

2. Don’t get comfortable: Taking the same route every day or always choosing the same things makes your mind lazier. Do you ever find yourself turning autopilot on e to work or walking home?
Keep your mind energized and active by stepping out of your comfort zone.Experience new things, take a different route home and keep surprising yourself.

3. Meditate more: Meditation actually works at helping your mind focus. If you’re distracted way too easily, clear your mind at least once a week and you’ll find that you’re more likely to focus on the things that are comfortablDonot only that, you’ll be less distracted in your day to day and find it easier to get things done.
This is because you’re giving your brain some breathing room, letting it have time to cool down and trying not to think about everything at once. Mindfulness and meditation will help you process your day better, and keep your brain firing at its best.

4. Exercise both sides of your brain: The right side of your brain remembers the bigger picture of an event, while the left side goes into the details. If they work together in perfect harmony, you’ll be better at strategizing and recalling events.
To work it out you’ll need to challenge yourself to try something you aren’t comfortable with. If you consider yourself more of an analytical thinker, learn something creative. Vice versa. Keep your mind working by challenging yourself to remember not only the bigger picture but also some small details.When you go for lunch, ask yourself where you went but also try to picture one small thing like the badge another customer was wearing. The more vividly you can recall things, the better your brain is working.

5. Improve your lifestyle: There’s plenty of research that shows that your lifestyle impacts your brain. Your diet should include plenty of B vitamins and Omega oils for maximum brain power.

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